What's on the calendar?
February 5th, 6th - Winter Growth Assessments
2/5 Reading
2/6 Mathematics
February 5th -
Choice Middle School Night @ 6:00 PM
February 14th -
Second Quarter WingFest
February 19th -
Second Quarter Honor Roll Celebration
If you are interested in high school sports, there are 4 people that you need to know. The athletic directors for the high schools are listed below.
Bethel - DeRocke Croom
Hampton - Justin Vias
Kecoughtan - Shaun Redd
Phoebus - Paul Macklin
COMING UP NEXT - Bruins Middle School Night. See the flyer.
Threat Assessment
Greetings to all of our Eaton families. We find it of vital importance to share this video with you. This video shares how you can help us determine potential threats, and how the school and district will approach "threat assessment." We need your help. Feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns. .
The new Eagles have landed.
It's almost time to welcome our students back for the school year; however, we have to welcome our new staff members first. We are excited to have these outstanding educators join the Eagles' Nest.
PHOTO 📸 Credit: Dr. Stacea Barreau
2024-2025 Eaton Middle School Teacher of the Year
Porsche Moody
Eaton would like to thank the following:
Patient First (Stephanie Calway) for their monetary donation.
Starbucks (Max) for their donation of coffee & associated items.
BJ's (Patrick) for their food donation.
Mr. Naftali for his food donation.
All donated items were used to celebrate our amazing staff during Teacher Appreciation Week last week. Again, thank you all.
Home of the SOARing Eagles!
Welcome to Thomas Eaton Fundamental Middle School located in Hampton, Virginia. We are a choice public school serving around 600 students from grades 6th through 8th Grade. Our students come from all over Hampton, and we aim to produce intelligent, hardworking, productive, and caring students.
Copyright © 2021 Hampton City Schools. All Rights Reserved. One Franklin Street, Hampton, Virginia, 23669 757-727-2000 The Hampton City School Division is not responsible for the contents of any off-site webpages referenced from HCS servers. Hampton City Schools Non-Discrimination Notice - HCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or other protected classes in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Robbin G. Ruth, Executive Director, Human Resources, One Franklin Street, Hampton, VA 23669 757-727-2000