What have the Eagles been up to?
The Eaton Girls Basketball Team goes undefeated to win the HCS middle school championship for the 2nd year in a row. 🏆🏀🏀 May 2024
The Eagles point out the final score.
The cheerleaders always bring the heat!
We are so proud of this group.
Mrs. Hare, Mr. Bane, Ms. Huff and Mrs. Speight were cooking for the staff during teacher appreciation week.
Mrs. Hare is preparing the ground beef for tacos.
Ms. Huff is getting ready to add her special seasoning.
Mr. Bane said he grabbed the pan for the photo. He didn't really cook. 🤫 Shhhh!
"Mrs. Speight, if you're in here cooking, who is in the cafeteria?" 🤔
Our Eagles took part in the Aerial Drone Competition at NASA on February 24, 2024.
Representatives from the Virginia Living Museum visited our 8th grade Physical Science students in February 2024.
Mrs. Thomas's class
Mrs. Moody's class
Take a look through those spectrometers. What do you see?
National Wear Red Day
The Eagles are wearing red to bring awareness to heart disease!
(February 2, 2024)
December 2023 - Both the kids and staff members enjoy Spirit Week.
They planned this!
Mason channels Mr. Bane.
Mrs. Ezell has a twin.
Mr. Crespo & his mini mes.
The Journey to the Land of Nursery Rhymes
The students in one of my classes authored and illustrated a book.
Congratulations to the Eaton Girls Basketball team for winning the 22-23 HCS Middle School Championship!
They finished with a record of 10-0, defeating Syms in the finals 41-27. They beat Kilgore in the semifinals 21-9 after taking the quarterfinals from Phoenix 31-11. They were coached by Kelly Johnson, and have been a dynamite force all season!
The Eaton Boys also finished strong, being the regular season champions with a record of 7-0. They yielded to Kilgore in the semifinals 37-35 after an exciting quarterfinals win over Phoenix 64-62, finishing the season 8-1. They were coached by head coach Alexis Weathers and assistant coach Rodney Williams.
Congratulations to all of our players and coaches this year!
2023-2024 Teacher of the year!
Congratulations to Mr. Freddie Shealey who was chosen as the 2023 Eaton Teacher of the Year. Mr. Shealey teaches 8th grade mathematics. He is firm, fair, consistent and caring, going the extra mile for his students. Mr. Shealey serves as our GEAR Up Data Coordinator, teaches our math enrichment lab, Homework Club, chaperones dances, and serves as a check in check our mentor for students.
Mr. Shealey consistently eats with the students in the cafeteria and tutors students after school. He goes around the school during his planning to assist students and staff, and uses his own funds to reward his classes. Mr. Shealey’s students show tremendous growth under his tutelage. Please congratulate Mr. Shealey and thank him for being the 2023 Eaton Teacher of the Year.
Great job! Mr. Shealey!
PTA Rock and Roll Reflections
On October 4th, the PTA Rock and Roll Reflections was kicked off with an ice cream party for all participants. This national contest has a focus on the arts, and encourages students to enter in categories such as dance choreography, photography, visual arts, literature, music composition, and film. During the ice cream party, students were introduced to their teacher supporters and given time to brainstorm their entries. Once these entries are submitted and judged, the winners will be announced and awards given at a future PTA event. Good luck to all those creative Eaton students who enter!
Music in the parks festival
The Eaton Fundamental Middle School Eagle Ensemble (7th & 8th-grade chorus students) participated in the Music in the Parks Festival on May 21, 2022 at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The students won the first place award in their category with a superior rating of 92.5 out of 100. They also won best junior high/middle school choir overall.
According to their chorus teacher Ronnie Wilson, the students worked very hard on their music - music that in fact was above average for their grade level. They performed one Latin piece entitled Festival Sanctus with very difficult rhythms and intervals to sing. The other selection was an exciting fast-moving piece with gasps and foot stomps entitled Lightning.
“The students exuded exemplary decorum from the time they got on the bus to the time we arrived back at Eaton on Saturday night,” said Wilson. “I received numerous compliments on my students' behavior and performance.”
The Power in You
On Friday, March 20th Eaton held SOL Pep Rallies for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. The Bethel Drumline, directed by Mr. Jerry Lancaster performed for the students during class changes and during the assemblies in the Gym. The motivational speaker was Mr. Carlton Ashby, former teacher and Newport News School Board member. He is the author of "The Power in You, Making a Difference in the 21st Century Child." Mr. Ashby spoke to the students about the "Power in You."
2021-2022 Support Staff of the Year
Congratulations to our School Security Officer Mr. Michael Baker who was selected as Eaton’s Support Employee of the Year. This award goes to support personnel who are skilled, dedicated and knowledgeable about their jobs and are respected by students, parents, and colleagues. These team members provide exemplary customer service and model the core values of Hampton City Schools.
Mr. Baker serves as one of the school security officers. Mr. Baker builds relationships with students and staff and makes himself visible and available to help others no matter what is needed. He is a retired firefighter and emergency medical technician. He uses his experience and expertise to take care of emergency situations. Mr. Baker makes sure that we are safe!
He supervises students at lunch, arrival, dismissal, class changes and makes sure that students follow COVID safety protocols. Mr. Baker uses his mechanical expertise to fix minor problems and to assemble office supplies. Please congratulate Mr. Baker and thank him for helping Eaton Middle School to SOAR above the rest!
Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Ms. Jessica Scott who was selected as the 2022 Eaton Teacher of the Year. Ms. Scott teaches 7th grade Math. She creates an engaging and fun classroom with high expectations. Ms. Scott serves as our Math instructional leader and our Eaton Basketball commissioner. She has been instrumental in supporting our fellow Eagles by providing instruction for students when her colleagues are out.
Ms. Scott goes the extra mile to help every child at Eaton no matter whether she teaches them or not. She treats every student with love, kindness and respect. Ms. Scott finds out the interests of her students to incorporate this into the teaching and learning process. Her commitment to students extends beyond the walls of the school.
Great job! Ms. Scott!
2021-2022 PTSA Awards
CONGRATULATIONS EATON PTSA for the following awards this year!
• Model PTA
• Partnership Award - (Olive Garden)
• 100% Teacher Membership
• Membership Increase - 513.3%
• Male Membership - 28%
• Spotlight Award for Outstanding PTA Program - "EMS Rock-n-
Roll Reflections"
• Out of the Box Award for the Lockdown of 20-21
• Dr. Crum, Eaton Principal, also received the Dr. Michael Canty Award, which recognizes faculty members who find opportunities for parents and family members to become involved in their schools.
PTSA Reflections Winner
Congratulations to Savannah Abbott who won the Award of Excellence in the state of Virginia Reflections contest for Photography Special Artist. Savannah finished first in the school, first for the city of Hampton, first in the Peninsula District and second in the state of Virginia. Please make sure to congratulate Savannah for her award.
Eaton is pleased to announce that Vice-Mayor JImmy Gray is partnering with Mrs. Karen Parker's 6th grade homeroom. Mr. Gray has adopted this homeroom and provided funds for all students to be student representatives of our Parent Teacher Student Association. VIce-Mayor Gray will also be speaking with our students in the near future. Many thanks to Vice-Mayor Gray and Mrs. Karen Parker for providing opportunities for our students and helping to support HCS PTSA initiatives!
PTSA Reflection Winners
Celebrating 25 years of service
Eaton Middle School would like to thank Barbara Keener and Santa Williams for 25 years of service. Congratulations to both of you!
Eaton Teacher of the Year 2020-2021
Matthew Alexander
Eaton Support Staff
of the year
Congratulations to Ms. Alecia Speight, our school security officer, who was selected as Eaton’s Support Employee of the Year. This award goes to support personnel who are skilled, dedicated and knowledgeable about their jobs and are respected by students, parents, and colleagues. These team members provide exemplary customer service and model the core values of Hampton City Schools.
Ms. Speight worked at school building all during the pandemic to help prepare our school for a safe return for students and staff. She helped to clean the school, distribute materials, contact parents and students and deliver meals to families. She greets students at arrival and dismissal, and makes sure that students follow COVID safety protocols. Ms. Speight helps to mentor students and make sure they make good decisions. She is a fixture at lunches and in the hallways.
Ms. Speight is here and accessible, ready and willing to help each and every day to make sure Eaton SOARs above the rest!
Make sure to congratulate Ms. Speight!
6th Grade return to school
Thomas Eaton Middle School provides students and their families a comprehensive educational experience. We have high expectations of our students while providing an orderly and safe environment. Eaton students and parents sign a collaborative contract with the school, agreeing to complete assignments and exhibit positive behaviors. Eaton excels in the arts, extracurricular activities, community partnerships, service learning, and environmental experiences. Transportation is not provided for students.
2019 - 2020
Teacher of the year!
Deana Kolan
National Celebration of
Youth Art Month Show
Congratulations to Hanna & Jaylen!
PTSA Reflections Award Ceremony
Category & Winners:
Literature - Mashari Holloway, Nehemiah Perez, Isreal Hopson
Music Composition - Johnathan Bjonnes
Photography - Maryah Spruill, Kiegan Rollins
Visual Arts - Haga Hassan, Hanna McFarland, Aiden Gick
Special Artist - Adah Daniels, Zachary Brantley
Congratulations to All District Band

Eagle News
Watch the full interview with EMS new AP Jerrelle Griffin
Thomas Eaton Fundamental Middle School Assistant Principal
Jerrelle Griffin will join Eaton Middle School this coming school year as an assistant principal, replacing Leon Edwards.
She has served as an assistant principal at Syms Middle School for the past two years. Prior to Syms Middle, she was an assistant principal at Jones Magnet Middle School and a learning facilitator at the Performance Learning Center. Before joining Hampton City Schools, Griffin taught biology and earth science for Newport News Public Schools.
She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology from Hampton University and her master’s in educational leadership from Regent University.
National Junior Honor Society
Sock it to Homelessness Campaign!
Our National Junior Honor Society is currently collecting new socks and gloves for the homeless. Please bring your donations to room 216 to help keep our homeless in Hampton warm this winter.
Eagle News Morning Show
Ashley Smith from 13NewsNow visited the broadcast journalism club on February 21, 2019. Ashley Smith spoke with students about her career as a news anchor and the importance of finding an internship in the field you wish to have a career in.
Honor Band and Chorus
Congratulations to Alexandria Northrop and Da'Rel Brooks for being featured soloists. Alexandria and Da’Rel were selected as the Outstanding Female and Male musician of the Honor Band Event!!!
Congratulations to Darius Elliott and Maria Kavota for being selected as Outstanding Female and Male musician of the Honor Chorus Event!!!
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